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Jan, 2024

2024 Spring Little League Registration

Well, we’ve had enough of winter already…let’s start thinking about Baseball and Softball!

Registration for the 2024 Dexter Little League Spring Season is open starting January 21st! Early Bird Registration runs January 21st - January 27th. During this period, registration fees are discounted $10.

To help you plan ahead, here is some important information regarding the upcoming Spring baseball and softball seasons.

2024 Dexter Little League Important Dates:

1/21 - 1/27 - Early Bird Registration. $10 discount.

1/28 - 2/25 - Registration.

2/26 - Late Registration begins. $25 late fee. Players may be waitlisted.

3/9 - Player Evaluations. 9am - 5pm Dexter High School (age-specific times available 3/1; Tball does not attend, parents evaluate).

4/13 - Field Day (4/20 make-up date).

4/22 - Games begin.

4/27 - Opening Day Celebration/Games.

6/10 - 6/14 - Playoffs.

6/15 - Closing Day.

2024 DLL League Specifics:

2024 Spring Season - Softball

  • Players must live within the Dexter Community School boundaries or attend Dexter Schools in order to play Dexter Little League. If a player does not live within the Dexter Community Schools boundary, please fill out this form before proceeding with registration. A league board member will contact you shortly on how to proceed.

  • The division that a player is eligible for based on their date of birth is the only option available for registration. A player's Little League age can be determined by reviewing the 2024 Little League International age charts. See below for specific date ages.

  • Any players that are requesting to play up or down a division should do so via this form. Please do not proceed with registration until you are contacted by the DLL Player Agent or President. 

  • Players must be registered with the correct DOB, not doing so will make your player not eligible for the 2024 DLL season. DLL reserves the right to check birth certificates at player evaluations. 

  • Dexter Little League is committed to making baseball & softball available to all families and has financial assistance options available. Email or for more information, or check out T-Mobile grants.

  • Please email with any registration questions.

Games begin the week of April 22 and end by June 15, 2024. Teams generally play two games/week, weather-permitting. Tball plays one day/week. Practice days/times are chosen by each teams’ coach. All leagues should be prepared to play on at least one Saturday, either a regular season game, a make-up game and/or the Championship game including Opening Day.

Days of play:

Tball - Saturday (one hour practice followed by one hour game)

Machine Pitch Softball - Tuesday and Thursday, some Saturdays

Minors Softball - Tuesday and Thursday

Majors Softball - Monday and Wednesday

2024 Spring - Baseball & Tball

  • Players must live within the Dexter Community School boundaries or attend Dexter Schools in order to play Dexter Little League. If a player does not live within the Dexter Community Schools boundary, please fill out this form before proceeding with registration. A league board member will contact you shortly on how to proceed.

  • The division that a player is eligible for based on their date of birth is the only option available for registration. A player's Little League age can be determined by reviewing the 2024 Little League International age charts. See Below for date specific ages.

  • Any players that are requesting to play up or down a division should do so via this form. Please do not proceed with registration until you are contacted by the DLL Player Agent or President. 

  • Players must be registered with the correct DOB, not doing so will make your player not eligible for the 2024 DLL season. DLL reserves the right to check birth certificates at player evaluations. 

  • Dexter Little League is committed to making baseball & softball available to all families and has financial assistance options available. Email or for more information, or check out T-Mobile grants.

  • Please email with any registration questions.

Games begin the week of April 22 and end by June 15, 2024. Teams generally play two games/week, weather-permitting. Tball plays one day/week. Practice days/times are chosen by each teams’ coach. All leagues should be prepared to play on at least one Saturday, either a regular season game, a make-up game and/or the Championship game including Opening Day.

Days of play:

Tball - Saturday (one hour practice followed by one hour game)

Machine Pitch Baseball - Monday/Wednesday/Friday (two games per week)

Minors Baseball - Monday and Wednesday

Majors Baseball - Tuesday and Thursday

Juniors - Friday or Saturday

Challengers: Sunday

MACHINE PITCH SOFTBALL - birth years 2015 & 2016

MINORS SOFTBALL - birth years 2013 & 2014

MAJORS SOFTBALL - birth years 2011 & 2012

TBALL - 9/1/2017-8/31/2019
MACHINE PITCH BASEBALL - 9/1/2015 - 8/31/2017
MINORS BASEBALL - 9/1/2013-8/31/2015
MAJORS BASEBALL - 9/1/2011-8/31/2013
JUNIORS BASEBALL - 9/1/2009-8/31/2011


Click here for DLL Registration

Please consider volunteering with the Dexter Little League as a coach, assistant coach or board member. We have a core group of great coaches and board members who are more than willing to help with any questions you have. Feel free to email [email protected] with any questions.

Refund policy: DLL allows for a 100% refund if the DLL Player Agent is contacted before the first day of the Draft (3/11/2024). Once the draft is complete refunds will not be allowed as uniforms and teams have been determined and purchased.

Calling All Sponsors!

Do you have a connection to a business or organization that would be interested in sponsoring a team? Sponsoring the Dexter Little League is an excellent way to support the league and generate awareness for your business.  Without the support from sponsorships, the league would not be able to provide these important activities for the Dexter Community.  If you or anyone you know would be interested please email Eileen Carpenter at  Sponsorship form with levels is attached.

We hope you are as excited as we are to get back on the field! 
General questions can be sent to [email protected].

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